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    Give Aqiqah for your Newborn Child

    Congratulations on the birth of your child. “Aqiqah is the child’s rescue from Satan and protection for his/her efforts for the good of his/her life and the Hereafter.” (Faid al-Qadir).

    Aqiqah is the sacrifice of a goat or sheep that is performed on the seventh day after the birth of a child. It is an important Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The sacrifice is performed to show gratitude to Allah for the gift of a child. 


    The Aqiqah ceremony can be performed by sacrificing either a goat or sheep which must be healthy, and the animal must be of a certain age. Qurbani Global follows the Sunnah by finding the best quality animal possible, e.g. no broken teeth or horns.


    There are many benefits to Aqiqah, namely it’s a proscribed act of worship, protection for the children from Shaytan and atonement for your sins, InshaAllah. You can fulfil your act of worship and complete an Aqiqah for a boy or an Aqiqah for a girl.

    Aqiqah – Gratitude through Sacrifice

    Aqiqah is the Islamic tradition of giving charity by sacrificing animals after the birth of a new baby. Aqiqah is performed by the parents/guardian for expressing gratitude to Allah (SWT) for the blessing of having a child, protection from Shaytaan, expiation of sins and preventing any calamities.

    What is the purpose of Aqiqah?

    Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions used to perform Aqiqah when they were bestowed with a newborn. There are many benefits in the performance of Aqiqah:

    • The birth of the baby is announced in the family and community; being bestowed with a child is a great blessing from the Creator.
    • Welcoming a newborn to the family is more than a celebration; family members, relatives, neighbors, and friends are invited to celebrate the blessed occasion.
    • The poor should be included in the celebration by offering them food and meat served on this occasion.

    ·         “ The Prophet PBUH said: “Every newborn baby is in pledge for his Aqiqah, a
    sacrifice is made for him on the seventh day, his head is shaved and he (or she)
    is given a name ”.

    Is Aqiqah obligatory?

    Although the Aqiqah is not obligatory, it contains many benefits and Muslim parents who have means are encouraged to perform it. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Slaughter two comparable sheep for a male newborn and one sheep for a female.” If one cannot afford to slaughter two sheep for a male newborn, it is acceptable to slaughter one only.

    When to perform Aqiqah

    It is recommended to offer the Aqiqah sacrifice on the seventh, fourteenth or twenty-first day after the childbirth. If this is not possible, it can be performed on any day until the age of puberty.

    Which animals to be sacrificed

    The condition of the animals for Aqiqah is the same as the conditions for the animals for Qurbani. The animals to be slaughtered must be goats, sheep, cows or camels. For camels, it must be older than 6 years, for cows the age must be older than 3 years and for goats, it must be older than two years. They must be free from any form of physical defects such as blindness, sickness, limping and under-nourished. The animals must be slaughtered in the appropriate humane ways.

    At Qurbani Global, we sacrifice the Aqiqah animal on your behalf with our best intentions. We comply with the Islamic traditions and ensure that:

    • Sharia compliant animals are sacrificed 
    • Animals are well-fed and kept in healthy & humane conditions
    • Cleanliness is maintained in the slaughtering and meat distribution
    • Beneficiaries include widows, orphans, disabled & the elderly


    Qurbani Global has the capacity to sacrifice the Aqiqah animal at 24 hours’ notice and we ensure that donor’s preferred time frame is implemented.  


    By offering your Aqiqah through Qurbani Global, you can share the blessings and joy of your lovely newborn with the extremely poor and at risk families in Pakistan.



    The rewards of good deeds are multiplied in holy places, and what better place could there be in this world than Makkah and Madinah?

    Qurbani Global offers several animal options for your Qurbani sacrifice, including both small animals, like sheep and goats, and larger animals, like cows. 


    What is Qurbani Global?

    Qurbani Global currently provides Qurbani/Udhiyah services along with delivery for Eid al Adha. Currently, we deliver only to specified cities in Pakistan.

    What is the method of slaughter?

    We at Qurbani Global slaughter according to the Pristine Islamic principles from the Quran and Sunnah. All our meat is hand-selected and has undergone the best hygiene practices.

    How does the delivery/pickup work?

    Once the order is placed, you will receive an order number with details of your Mode of delivery (Pick-up or delivery or distribution). All the orders will be slaughtered on the day of Eid unless explicitly specified.

    Can Qurbani be donated?

    Yes, Qurbani Global will donate the meat on your behalf. Donating Qurbani is common practice for many people who cannot perform Qurbani; therefore, you can donate Qurbani to the poor, underprivileged, or charitable foundations.

    Will skin be Donated or Sold?

    Qurbani Global understands the sanctity of Eid ul Adha; therefore, the skin of animals will be donated to charitable foundations.

    Maintaining Hygiene and Cleanliness while Slaughtering?

    Yes, Qurbani Global takes complete responsibility for hygiene and cleanliness while slaughtering. We ensure to follow halal guidelines according to Islamic principles, and after slaughtering we will handle the meat in hygienic conditions to maintain its quality.

    What is the Payment Method at Qurbani Choice?

    United Kingdom:
    Bank name: __________________
    Title: _____________________
    IBAN: __________________________
    Account Number:________________ Branch Code:________________
